Wednesday, September 29, 2010
One Good Find Deserves A Home
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Farm Party
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Mundane into Creativity

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Ya Know Leadbelly, Bill Bloonsey
Monday, September 13, 2010
What is a Feedlot?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Is Your Life A Song?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
It's Ended. Bring on Autumn.
Another Labor Day came and left with an abandoned picnic table of a few fat-solidified burgers on a plate, remains of potato salad and beans with sloppy serving spoons buried in the bowls,and cold pasta salads, now floating in the shiny salad dressing. Did I eat this? Nope. I insult hostesses and bring my own food. I also share, of course, but no one’s interested in healthy food. So be it.
On Friday I attended Karen's virtual BBQ and had a great time. The food was great and I could pick and choose from everything imaginable!
Now we can all go home and plant our gardens, (or harvest our fruit this time of the year) as Voltaire says. I guess very few people literally plant gardens anymore so let’s leave it in the abstract intention.
I haven’t thought of Voltaire in years. One of my favorites is his story about the widow whose husband left instructions that she couldn’t remarry until the Ganges changed it’s course. For 6 months, the widow mourned and remained faithful but the next morning found her out in the middle of the Ganges River with a shovel. (So much for the “I’ll be faithful to you Honey for the rest of my life ).
As I wheeled the trash bin to the street this morning, I could already smell autumn in the crisp pre-dawn air. Low clouds had settled over the mountains as a foreboding warning of what's to come. A double edged sword in my book, as it means adios to serious lawn mowing but hello to snow shoveling.
Do I care? Uh uh. I'll just plug in my light therapy bulbs, work on my "Moroccan Days" and kiss the winter blas goodby.