I was working in my
yard when a large
black car filled with
elderly people, stopped
and asked, "Where are
the mansions?" I directed
them and returned to my
Where are the mansions?"
Can't they see the one in
front of them? No. I
guess not because mansion it's NOT. It's older than the
mansions and there's a log cabin under the farm house look
but they want to see the glitze of conspicuous consumption.
Gold was discovered in Helena in 1865. Miners were dreaming
of getting rich while soldiers from the North and South were
engaged in their civil war. Most of the miners didn't strike it
rich and either returned home or went on to the next gold
strike. The ones who struck gold, remained in Helena and
built a mansion more grand than their neighbor's.
My humble farm house was/still is, a log cabin for the family
who owned most of the land that is now Helena. They raised
cattle, thus providing meat for the miners. The house next
door was the bunk house for the cowboys. They eventually
added the looks of a farm house OVER the log house, evidence
I still run into when trying to pound something into the wall.
I call the house a dump because it's still the same old creaky
structure with nary a closet. Thank god plumbing was added.
Haha But it's a friendly house, full of ghosts. The living/
dining room (also was my studio) has windows facing all
directions and is never without sunshine. The yard is some-
thing special for me to work in.
I hope the visitors in the big black auto enjoyed the mansions.
I rarely walk through the mansion district as all the chemicals
from each property trying to "outgreen" the other, really make
me ill. I much prefer the dandelions and white clover found
in my neighborhood. LOL
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
One More Birthday Party
My gardening friend Julie has an annual birthday party for her
husband, usually attended by the same group of friends and
neighbors. The event took place last evening in Julie's
enchanting garden where I had a chance to visit with people
I hadn't seen since last year's party.
The one person I look forward to seeing is Al, Julie's 101
year old neighbor. It's not too unusual for someone to reach
the bright and snappy age of 101 but Al is using that bright-
ness to live in total independence. Living alone, Al performs
all his housely duties, buys his own food and cooks. But get
this, AL STILL DRIVES A CAR. He said they made him
take a driving test that consisted of him driving around the block.
That was it!
What is so amazing is that Al joins in on almost any
conversation. He knows exactly what is going on in the world
and expresses his ideas in a strong, clear voice.
Those of us who love history are forever bombarding him
with questions concerning his early life. Last night I heard
him say he moved to Helena in 1930 (year I was born) and
bought the land where his house stands, for $95.
In my mind I was comparing Al to the ladies in my Bliss class.
Their average age is somewhere in the early 70's but take my
word that Al could run circles around many of them. I've heard
them use the phrase......"but at my age"..........which is complete
non-sense to keep referring to a number. Al knows exactly how
old he is but when someone asks, "are you one hundrea and
one" I've heard Al laughingly say, "Am I?"
Who can say what it takes to live a long and healthy life.
Genes? Diet? Attitude? I really don't have the foggiest but
it's a delight when you see it in action. I know one thing, Al
loves ice cream and he ate a lot of it. hahahaha
husband, usually attended by the same group of friends and
neighbors. The event took place last evening in Julie's
enchanting garden where I had a chance to visit with people
I hadn't seen since last year's party.
The one person I look forward to seeing is Al, Julie's 101
year old neighbor. It's not too unusual for someone to reach
the bright and snappy age of 101 but Al is using that bright-
ness to live in total independence. Living alone, Al performs
all his housely duties, buys his own food and cooks. But get
this, AL STILL DRIVES A CAR. He said they made him
take a driving test that consisted of him driving around the block.
That was it!
What is so amazing is that Al joins in on almost any
conversation. He knows exactly what is going on in the world
and expresses his ideas in a strong, clear voice.
Those of us who love history are forever bombarding him
with questions concerning his early life. Last night I heard
him say he moved to Helena in 1930 (year I was born) and
bought the land where his house stands, for $95.
In my mind I was comparing Al to the ladies in my Bliss class.
Their average age is somewhere in the early 70's but take my
word that Al could run circles around many of them. I've heard
them use the phrase......"but at my age"..........which is complete
non-sense to keep referring to a number. Al knows exactly how
old he is but when someone asks, "are you one hundrea and
one" I've heard Al laughingly say, "Am I?"
Who can say what it takes to live a long and healthy life.
Genes? Diet? Attitude? I really don't have the foggiest but
it's a delight when you see it in action. I know one thing, Al
loves ice cream and he ate a lot of it. hahahaha