The last posting for the April A-Z Blogging Challenge. The letter is Z. My theme is Flamenco.
Z is For Zambra
Zambra has two meanings. It means a party with dancing entertainment held in the caves in Sacromonte, Spain and it is also used for the name of a dance. The caves used to be divided into homes for the Gypsies but no longer serve as dwellings. Now, they are modernized and turned into restaurants and theaters for entertainment. Because the terrain is steep, a taxi lets the tourists off and they take a little walk up to the theaters.

There exists a common root between belly dancing and Flamenco, with belly dancing being lighter and more seductive. The one dance link between the two is the Zambra. The original was a Moorish dance, dating back to the 15 century. With the lights flickering on the walls of the caves, the Zambra can be an impressive festive dance.

The photo above is taken inside one of the theater caves. Performances provide an income for the Flamencos as tourists are entertained and can return home with photos. Dancing is light and colorful and the atmosphere is an exhilerating menory.
A video of the Zambra, a fusion dance between Flamenco and Belly Dance. It
always looks more Belly than Flamenco to me but you judge. Adios Amigos