
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reveal Thyself or Eat Bread and Butter

Look Bloggie Friends. I got an award and I got it sitting right here in my ratty old bathrobe. I didn't have to gussie up with the rhinestones and the 4-inch heels. And I just have to thank one person, Robin at Your Daily Dose. Thank you Robin (I'm blowing you a kiss in my best dramatic form).  Pay her a visit, she is indeed, a hottie with brains. I love to talk to her.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award
I'm supposed to divulge 7 things about myself
And pass the award on.  BUT...the award is here if anyone feels inspired to take it.......  I'm putting the ole whammy on it and it'll bring you luck if you take it.

1. My favorite food. Any Italian bread with Meyenberg Goat Milk butter.

2. When I was young, I wanted to be an opera singer. (no kidding)

3. My favorite movie stars, Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy (no kidding)

4.  My husband was Canadian. He said ayout and abyout. You know, how Canadians say "out" and "about." He always made me laugh.  (see below)

5.  I've always been a sucker for a man who made me laugh.  Ha

6.  I voted for Goldwater. (no kidding)

7.  I also voted for Al Gore (wish I were kidding)

Adios Bloggie Friends. Someone please take the award. I can't choose. You all inspire me.


  1. I bet you would have made a GREAT opera singer. You are where your Granddaughter got her musical talents. (no kidding)!!

    Have a GREAT day Manzi. Mucho Love to you!

    1. Terry, I loved singing. Now I sing in the shower and off-key.
      El mucho love back at you.

    2. I bet it is more on key than you think. Me... I am tone deaf.

  2. Oh, our dreams! I wanted to be everything.

    1. Susan, Kinda the precious part of growing up. We want to be everything and live everywhere. Oh life is so grand.

  3. I also voted for Al Gore. I don't know what I was thinking. Clearly, I wasn't. hahahaha. I've read some things about Goldwater. I don't think he was such a bad choice... And the only thing I have to say about the opera singing is this: people who tend to love ONE of the arts, have some sort of love for all of them. They may not be as good at all of them, but they enjoy them all. It sometimes takes a while to find the one for which you actually have talent. In your case, I'd say that was dancing. So, it is no surprise to me that you are also passionate about *music.* Thanks for sharing:)

    1. Robin, Goldwater was a good choice but all the good choices get railroaded. About that time, we had a cabin in Northern Minnesota and I let friends stay there for a week end when we weren't there. A girl I used to dance with said,that my cabin was the only place you could find the Goldwater book, "Conscience of a Conservative" in the outhouse. Ha
      I've never voted party.... go with the feeling.
      Thanks, Robin

  4. Congrats on the award and no comments on Goldwater.

    1. Inger, Thanks for dropping by. Hope your week is going as planned.

  5. Replies
    1. Keith, You know what? That looks perfectly OK to my poor eyesight. Thanks

  6. Replies
    1. With my poor eyesight, both words look the same. Proof-reading does me no good at all. I often have to use a magnifying glass if I get real picky. Nice to have you drop in.

  7. An opera singer, huh? How wonderful. I hope you still sing, even if it's only in the shower.

    1. Susan,
      Oh yes, in the shower, definitely and often off key. I used to be on-key but now I hear those clunky notes and think, OMG does that go too? Along with the butt, the under-arms, the boobs, the neck..... anything else? Well, it all goes.

    2. Maybe so, but we can still make a joyful noise. (Trust me, I can't sing first soprano anymore!)

  8. Dear Manzanita,

    How's it goin', eh?

    Hey, nice one, you got that very inspiring type blog award, eh. Hearty congrats and I shall 'delight' Robin with a visit from me, yes me, shy and humble me.

    Opera singer, eh? What'd that all 'aboot'? Your dear hubby was Canadian and thus you will realise that Canadians say "eh" a lot, eh. After all, spell the word "Canada" "C eh n eh d eh!"

    And thank you for your comfort and support during one of the most challenging yet inspiring times of my life.

    Gary :)

    1. Gary,
      It's so nice to have you back to your old sweet, joking self. And I bet Penny is happy to find the old Gary too. Welcome back.
      Yes, visit Robin. She will be delighted and may invite you to tea. Ha I mean the shy and humble Gary.
      Thanks for making me laugh with the Canadian accent. Sometimes I really miss that accent. So good to have you joking around again.

  9. Congrats on the award at your shore, you are probably one of the first to accept an award in such an attire hahaha hate that stupid eh word, we don't say it on this side of the country.

    1. What word is it you hate Pat... Award or attire?

    2. Pat,
      I know some Canadians use the eh but my husband did not. I could only detect a slight Canadian accent on the words "out" and "about." I was originally from Minnesota and they have an accent all their own. I've been away for such a long time and when I go back, I really notice it. Did you see the movie Fargo?. They did a great job of copying the Minnesota accent.

  10. congratulations, your favorite food sounds very good indeed, I'm Canadian and I didn't know we said about different,I'm going to pay more attention!

    1. Laurie,
      Bread and butter.... how simple can a favorite food be? Can you imagine being on death row and giving them your order for your food of the last meal..... bread and butter. I only noticed the words "out" and "about" were said in a slight accent.

  11. Congrats on your award :)

  12. Manzie: I think you are a girl after my heart. Congrats!

  13. Congrats on the award. Loved your list, especially about a man who can make you laugh. Wrap that around a bighearted fellow and the perfect man appears.

    1. Patti,
      I never much cared what men look like, as long as they had good humor.

  14. Congratulations on a well-deserved award. Nice to learn so many things about you.

  15. I just had fun catching up on your blog. Sorry I haven't been by in awhile--I've been distracted by some family stuff. Enjoyed reading your last several posts. And congratulations on your award!

    1. Galen,
      Thanks. We all lead such busy lives and family affairs should come first. Nice to see you again.

  16. Thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog. I try to be anything but annoying. I succeed sometimes.

    1. Rose,
      I enjoyed your blog. You write about real things. That is very meaningful.

  17. Congrats on the award, I loved your seven things about yourself and your humor with them :)


    1. Betty,
      Thanks for stopping by and the nice comment. I wish I were really funny. I love to read good-humor posts but truthfully mine just fall flat. I bet it's tough to make a living as a comedy writer.

  18. Congrats on the award, and I know exactly what you mean about being a sucker for a man who makes you laugh!
    We've got elections this year, and the main options are between bad or worse. Sigh. No vision, no wisdom, no humility. All nasty, backbiting, self serving arrogance.

    1. Sue,
      I stopped by your blog yesterday but I'm sure I got called away before I was able to leave a comment. Meaning to get back.
      Between bad and worse. Like the old proverbial rock and a hard place, huh?
      I fear all politics is going the way of high button shoes. The ones in office seem to be the peoples choice but of that I too, have my doubts.Too much glitz in the world. Our politicians seem to confuse government and movies these day.

  19. Congratulations. I must go and visit this Robin, and I promise not to sing while I'm there, because an opera singer I'm not. Definitely not.

    1. River : Ha Ha..... Neither did I ever come close to it. Just a childhood dream. My voice was so high and I didn't know what else to do with it. Ha
      Yes, visit Robin. She writes about "real things" you do.

  20. Congrats on the award, those Canadians are fun to laugh at, of course the can just as easily laugh at us.

    1. John,
      Oh no, I wasn't ever laughing AT HIM. He was funny in what he said and did and that is what made me laugh. I miss that.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  21. Congratulations on the Award - well deserved, and I enjoyed reading your answers. It's important to be with somebody that can make you laugh!

    1. thisisme,
      Thank you, Diane and you are so right. There has to be a lot of laughter in a marriage.

  22. It was nice learning more about you. Congrats on the award!

    1. Karen,
      I always enjoy reading these about other people so maybe some bloggie friends would like to know a couple of my deep dark secrets. Ha

  23. Nice award Manzanita, well deserved. Interesting facts especially Goldwater and Gore (both who had no chance with last names like that). What happened to the opera aspirations???

  24. Chuck
    When one looks back at one's political history, it's quite laughable.

    My opera aspirations graduated to "shower singing" and now, on a summer day, the neighbors run to close their windows the minute I sing doing my household chores. It's so funny, I sing and Cody howls. Really. That is how bad it is now.

  25. Congratulations, Manzanita! You deserve it! I do love listening to the Canadian accent too.

  26. Kay, Thank you. Canadians are pretty special people and we do live fairly close to Canada.

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  28. I make the ladies laugh.
    But, it's usually about the way I look.

    1. Al
      But that can't be true in bloggie land
      because no one has seen you.

  29. I'm here from Robin's blog, actually and you're right...she's great :)

    New follower here, as well. Anyone who would admit voting for Al Gore (and regretting it) is aces in my book :)

    1. Mark,
      Howdy. Happy to meet you. Al Gore.... ah yes. I visited your blog and will see you again.

  30. Congrats on your award. I would never have guessed opera singer :)

    1. Well, I never made it either. I had to settle for show tunes and dancing.

  31. Oh but wasnt't that Gore V Bush election fascinating!! Seriously! I remember that voting fiasco and by golly that was close!!

    Anyways!! If the man doesn't make me laugh in the first 5 minutes of meeting then the relationship is doomed already! LOL! Take care

    1. Old Kitty,
      Well, at first Gore had won, they said and some time later Bush had won. Who knows?

      Oh you too and humorous men? Marriage is (usually Ha) for a long time and you need a laugh a day.

  32. Dear Manzanita, congratulations. And thanks for sharing those tidbits about yourself. The first time I voted was in November 1960. I was in the convent and living on mission in Omaha, Nebraska. The superior there took for granted that all Catholic nuns would vote for Kennedy. I simply didn't want anyone to tell me what to do and so I voted for Nixon!!!! That's a moment I'd like to forget. Peace.

  33. Dear Dee,
    I seem to have selective memory. I can't recall who I voted for in that election. Probably Tricky Dicky too.....I flopped back and forth between parties.... often wish we had more to choose from.
    You are so funny.... doing the opposite of what they tell you. Mind of your own.
