
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

L is For Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane is a medical
mushroom that has the
ability to slow the
progression of
neurological conditions
such as, parkinson's
disease.  It has the
knowledge to
stimulate the
production known
as nerve growth factor.'
To live a long life, we are constantly searching for
ways to strengthen the immune system. Lion's Mane
offers necessary items for longevity such as,
immune strengthening and good digestive health.

I have worked on my immune system for many years
and that work seems to have paid off in keeping me
free from colds and the fluey stuff.

The medical mushrooms (I include all of them) are
the best immune builders I can think of.


  1. Good morning Melanie, on this warm and cheerful spring day. I wish you much joy on this beautiful day.

  2. So it will help with my nerve crap? That is sure a win

  3. Pat
    That would be a number one win IF the truth is always told.
    I think all the medical mushrooms have great healing value
    and I've only used this one along with others in a formula.

  4. It appears mushrooms are natures gift to us. I will check this one out. Thanks.

    1. Patti
      You know, I really have a great respect for mushrooms that can provide us with health benefits. I truly believe they have qualities that Big Pharna should except but they won't.

  5. Never heard of Lion's Mane before. Interesting.

    1. A Joyful Chaos
      It's one of the many powerdul medicinal mushrooms.

  6. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Tawnya
      Thank you for stopping. It's a pleasure to meet you. Much fun in the A-Z.

  7. I've never heard of this either but I find it very interesting.

    1. Paula
      Good Day and I thank you for the dropping by on this middle of April day

  8. Do you get this as a supplement at the health food store?

    1. Robin
      Sometimes it is stocked by health food stores but I usually buy my supplemets through Amazon. I know, Amazon is a giant Corp. and yet it's so easy to buy there and a portion of the comments are authentic and it's comforting to read what others think about the products.

  9. Like Robin, where can Lion's Mane be found? Is there an on-line site?

    1. Susan
      As I told Robin, I tend to buy from Amazon. It is often in a recipe with other medicinal mushrooms.

  10. That's a new one for me. I went to Wikipedia to see what it looked like. Interesting look, reminds me of Rapunzel letting down her hair from the tower.

    1. Susie
      Well, that's iteresting. Hair, I did a yucky thing. I've been so busy this month that I cut off my hair. Now give me some blue pantaloons and a pair of wooden shoes, cause I look like the Dutch cleanser boy. No more hair "letting down, either"

    2. I look like that, too! I made four pony tails, then had the Husband cut straight across above the rubber bands. Voila, Dutch cleanser boy without the bangs. Cutting the hair is my way of saving water during the drought. I still might shave it all off again.

  11. You're free from colds? Me too, but that's only because I take ridiculous measures so as not to get ill. You know I'm terrified of getting the flu because of all the damage it could do to my body.

    1. Blue Man
      I have a feeling you're serious and terrified is a veryi strong feeling. I don't understand what flu could do to your body. Pat and I have some ideas but you probably would not believe us anyway. We've been through "some things."

  12. Amazing what you learn on other blogs, I will check them out.

    1. Merl
      Especially the A-Z because people have such interesting themes, Yours also takes us inside your garden with your unusual plants and drummy.

  13. Replies
    1. Holy Ghost
      They really can give our bodies a lot of power to raise our immune system.

  14. Wow. I learned something new today. The title of your blog is totally different from what I expected from your content, but overall I'm glad I stopped by. I learned something. Thank you.

    1. thruhis
      Your themefor the challenge is unique. The Bible would be a marvelous reference for many many letters of the alphabet. I was at your blog and some how it wouldn't let me comment.
      Thank you for stopping and it's my pleasure to meet you.

  15. My youngest and I used to get sick all of the time in the winter. That went on for a few years!! This year and last we're doing great! I moved here from a warm state and thought that must be it... but he was born here, so maybe not. ;)

    1. Rosey
      Obviously your immune system has somehow kicked in and when that is working well, one just doesn't get sick. Whatever you're doing or eating or drinking must be the good thing. Keep doing it. lol

  16. I'll have to look this one up and see everything it can do.
