I'm not all Barbie, ballroom, bangles and banter. :) I have another blog on Wordpress that touts nutrition and health. Never the twain do normally meet but I'm going to let you read my latest post on my cleansing program.
Hurray, hurray!! I’m dancing for joy. I’m dancing with some toxins twirling around in my bloodstream but THAT’S A GOOD THING. I just had my report from Ken, my medical intuitive and my body is doing deep, deep cell cleansing. It’s flushing out the old toxins, metals, and parasites.
If you’ve read my previous posts, you know I’m on the Gerson Therapy. That calls for ten glasses of juice a day and that is possible with my illustrious Norwalk Juicer…. shown in the thumbnail picture. I wash that baby ten times a day. I know every line and curve to it’s body. It’s more rewarding than a love affair, by far.
I was determined to wait eight weeks before I talked to Ken again. I wanted to give my body a chance to cleanse, a chance to gain the benefits of those glorious live enzymes my beautiful Norwalk is pouring forth. It’s only the beginning . My trusty Norwalk and I have a long way to go yet but it’s just sooooo exciting to know that it’s really working.
The detoxing is done mostly with the food. Yes, it’s rigid.There’s only certain food that is allowed but you can eat as much of it as you want. For breakfast, fresh orange juice and oatmeal. For lunch and dinner, baked potatoes, 3 kinds of vegetables, salad and fruit. You can have salt-free rye bread but only after you have eaten the required food. Two bowls of Hippocrates soup during the day. No salt. Everything is salt-free.
The juicing alternates green drinks, carrot and carrot with apple. There are some supplements with a liver shot mixed with vitamin B-12.
I am busy all day long because the food preparation is time consuming. I spend most of the day, standing in the kitchen and I noticed my legs were beginning to rebel. I bought rubber floor mats at Home Depot and bingo, it solved my tired leg problem.
Thank you Ken for my wonderful, amazing report. Back to the drawing board for more cell work. As my kids used to say, “I’m jazzed.” Well, I guess that phrase is now politically incorrect but it means I’m determined!!!!