My theme is Hunzas.
Today is Z for Zenith.
People constantly search for the Zenith lifestyle that produces the greatest benefits to health and happiness. Most of the world has been tossed rhinestone studded glamor as the ultimate possession for happiness.
In America's quest for prestige, money and power, we have polluted our land and water and brought diseases from eating chemically grown food.
Hunza people, with their simple, organic life style rate historically among the happiest/healthy people of the world. They serve as a model for achieving zenith joys in life.
I'll raise my glass of apricot juice to these simple, sincere people, in hopes and prayers that the warring countries of the world leave them in peace and learn to follow their beautiful way of life.
Thank you dear bloggy friends, for taking this journey with me and catching a glimpse of how Hunza land compares to our own country of a few hundred years ago.
Adios Amigo