My theme is the Hunzas
Today is I ....... for Isolation.
Hunzas definitely live in Isolation.
Living in a tiny kingdom 100 miles long and one mile wide for over 2000 years is what most people define as isolation. At an elevation of 8,500 feet, they are completely enclosed by mountainous peaks that rise to an inspiring height of 25,550 feet.
I don't know if it's "because of" or "in spite of" isolation that these people have learned to live in harmony with their environment.
From their food source, clothing, socialization, health and religion, they have discovered how to balance life with the elemental grips of nature.
It was during the '40's that I first heard of the Hunzakuts, when I read an article in National Geographic of a lost kingdom that needed no police force because there was no crime. There was no monetary system. I was still in my teens and my life's goal was to go out in the world, work hard for dollars that I could put into a bank account.
What "if" the dollars no longer bought us sustenance, would we be able to provide for ourselves and our community? Could we live like the Hunzas? I don't know.
They have had a long time to perfect their technique. I don't think you can just toss people into a situation like that and expect them to be successful right away.
ReplyDeleteYou leave us with a very provocative thought, Manzanita. I don't know if I could live like a Hunza. Everything in my life would change. I like to think I could make the transition. But it would be an interesting situation, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteIf all the shoot in this world doesn't settle down, We may end up having to learn to live like the Hunzas. It would be tough, but I think we could do it.
ReplyDeleteGreat post my Dear Manzi!!
I think most people would perish. I have some farming skills, actually gardening and even that is limited, from growing up on a farm. And, that's it. We have lost that rustic way of living. How amazing, though,that a community can live in harmony, not fearing for their lives or possessions.
ReplyDeletePlay off the Page
Don't think we'd have a chance of living their way! No electricity, remotes, gadgets, internet... I'd say we'd be climbing the walls within hours!
ReplyDeleteThe nearest I've come to that would be on a week-long camping trip, but even then, there were showers and bathrooms with running water on the site!
I think you would have to be harmonious with nature to live in so remote a place.
I think bartering is a good way to go. When you barter both parties are satisfied. I wouldn't trade something I have for something I don't need or want.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the majority of people would choose to live as the Hunzas. But though if we had to, we'd figure it out, though I suspect there'd be chaos for while.
After people have what they have here, I don't think they could live like that or they could but they wouldn't want to, so we'd get into crime and stealing and all of that because they just want more.
ReplyDeleteThey're like a family off in the mountains who are able to meet each other's needs. A bit of a symbiotic relationship, eh?
ReplyDeleteI would like to think we could - or at least go half-way! Take care
An interesting challenge, but I think we are far too spoiled!
ReplyDeleteI have a friend from a small village in Croatia and she says there isn't any money there either. Everyone there produces something of need and they all just trade with eachother for whatever they don't themselves produce. These simple and friendly societies really have something good going. They all pull together and take care of eachother (they depend on one another to keep the village wheels turning). Wouldn't it be nice...
ReplyDeleteI hope your Easter was enjoyable and that you have a very happy day! :), Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters
I think providing for ourselves would be very, very hard. We are so far removed from our hunter/gatherer ancestors, that many people just don't have a clue where many foods come from or how long it takes to grow them. there are some who have this knowledge and skill, and I would hope that if we had to return to those days, the ones who know would help those of us willing to help and learn, so that we could all help each other.
ReplyDeleteAnd ironically I'll bet they enjoy their lifestyle just fine. None of the anxieties of our cultures lives.
ReplyDeleteYes, but where's the duck? You say "wanna buy a duck" and I'm, like, yeah! Where's the duck???
I just LOVE the name of your blog. Fantastic!
And so are those Hunzas you admire so much.
Delores : The answers were all interesting. I suppose any sudden change would cause panic.
ReplyDeleteRob : I too, would like to think I could do this but all change tosses me for a loop.
Terry : It would be easier for the people who lived on a farm at some time in their life. I usually find the isolation quite lonely.
Mary : You said the magic word, possessions. It's so difficult to give up some of our personal "stuff." I'm going through that right now.
Karen : You'd be organizing the singing group.
Mimi : If one grew up there, I imagine the city would seenm frightening.
Bish : Most people are definitely far more adaptale than we realize.
Nice post.
ReplyDeletePat : Many people could not live without TV after a lifetime of watching it. Although I grew up without it and I never miss it when I have to do without.
ReplyDeleteRubye : What a strange feeling to be without a monetary system. That is the big motivation for people to work.
Kitty : Yes, people seem to come together when there is a natural disaster.
Fran : Yes, true but if your life depended upon it, we all might be surprised what we could do.
Miriam : That was such a meaningful comment. Croatia, huh? That is surprising but now that I think about it, they've probably always had a difficult life. Weren't they under Russian rule in the past?
River : I'm sure a lot of young kids wouldn't have a clue of where to begin.
Chuck ; I spent 2 weeks up in the mountains at a retreat...... no cars or traffic. Extremely quiet and peaceful.When it was over and I drove to the main highway, the noise was overpowering. It took a while to be able to live with the noise again.
Kathy, Oh the ducks would fall right in with the main theme. That might be relaxing too, with only the natural duck sound. :)
Maggie : What a lovely name you have. Thank you for visiting.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if we could or not, watching the Nat. Geo. preppers they think not. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd the Hunzas location looks ideal to me.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow