Monday, August 30, 2010
I Love A Parade According to Marilyn
Friday, August 27, 2010
Zip-pate Do Dah. I Sat In On A Recording
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Real Man
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What's The Word?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A Robert Doisneau It Is Not
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Some Days Do You Ever Just Want To Run Off To Spain And Be A Flamenco Dancer?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Any Photographers? I Need Help

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Spa Day Montana Way
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Lazy Hazy Days of Acupuncture
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Henry According To Marilyn
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Who Are The Word Police?
Friday, August 6, 2010
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night
How Corny Can I Get? Plenty. Keep Reading.
My day had been inhumanly impossibly busy. Plus it rained all day. Kody kept dropping hints at my feet: frizbee, balls, leash. Finally at 9 PM, as twilight gathered from a moist day, I grabbed Kody and the car keys and off to the fair grounds to toss the frizbee.
The fair grounds is a spacious adventure in the daylight with it’s camp grounds, patches of forests, lakes, paths, etc. But, holy moly, I didn’t even recognize it in the heavy twilight. Dark suspicious shadows crowded the roads and heavy roiling clouds suggested more rain.
I was begnning to get spooked. Not one single car did I see. No late night picnickers or last minute dog runs. Zip. I was totally alone. I parked in our usual spot and Kody leaped out of the car with her frizbee. I just wanted to get this over with, but then, a sudden deja vu hit me.
This creepy feeling that I was experiencing was the same mystifying excitement I used to feel when I was reading Nancy Drew stories, as a child. I'd save my pennies and nickles until I had 35 cents and then off to the Ben Franklin store for the latest Nancy Drew book. My hands would tremble with excitement as I cracked the cover on the new book. I welcomed the anticipation of knowing I was going to be scared.
There was never any violence or murder …. just objects or people missing or wrongs to make right. All the little girls who read the books could transport themselves into Nancy’s body and experience the breath-taking thrill of near discovery when hiding in a closet or behind a curtain. It was thrilling enchantment.
That creepy, spooky night at the fair grounds brought back the anticipation that something ominous was about to happen. In spite of the fact I was creeped out to the core, I revelled in it.
Even so, I was happy when Kody caught her 20th frizbee and I could get outta there. Adios
Speaking of reading, writing and things that fall off the table in the night, hop on over to 12 paws and frogs
(What a punster I am). Kj's got a great fun post going that as writers, we can all sink our teeth into and get some good comments going. It's entitled, "Why Writers Write."
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Are You A Survivor?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
hippocrates Soup
Hippocrates Soup, as it is known today, is the same soup that
Hippocrates used 2500 years ago for healing patients.
It is used in the Gerson Therapy as part of the treatment for
curing degenerative diseases. Other doctors and practitioners
have also used the soup for healing.
Ann Wigmore relied on the soup, but in a raw form. LaDean Griffin also used a form of the
soup and called it "simple foods."