Thanks to Red, of "
Red's Australian Round-Up," I've been nominated to participate in
My 7 Links, started by
Katie @ Tripbase.
Evidently this idea is new and surging through the blogosphere. I have to place 7 of my posts in different categories and in turn I will nominate 5 bloggers to do the same.
Choosing the post is darn-right difficult. On re-reading my old posts, none of them seem to explode with excitement and some of them make me want to hide under the table.
But here goes......
My Most Beautiful Post .......
The Garden Also my last post. The subject is the garden I'm trying to create and the established English garden I discovered.
My Most Popular Post ......
To Spritz or Not to Spritz This post asked the question," is it OK to wear perfume in public?" There were lively comments on both sides but the general opinion seemed to favor "no perfume in public."
My Most Controversial Post ........
...... Spa Day Montana WayThis post is a pun on fancy, glitzy day spas. Old radon mines in Montana are popular with natural healing as a cure for certain diseases. Cody (dog) and I spent a couple hours in The Merry Widow mine in Basin.
My Most Helpful Post ..........
What is a FeedlotThis post tells of the horrors that cattle are subjected to before the beef hits the supermarkets, all wrapped and red in cellophane.
A Post Whose Success Surprised Me ...... Bata de ColaThis post was the letter B for the A-Z April Blog Challenge. My theme was Flamenco and a Bata de Cola is the Spanish dress with a long train. The interest in this dress surprised the heck outta me.
A Post That Didn't Get the Attention it Deserved ......
Where is All The TalentThis post was very early in my blog writing and I doubt if I had any followers at that time. The post says that people die with their talents and all the talent ends up in the cemetery. Older talented people could pass on their secrets and teach younger people.
The Post I'm Most Proud Of .........
Car Show According to MarilynMy friend, Marilyn and husband were taking their kids plus neighbor kids to a car show. Their car broke down on the way and they spent hours at a service station. The kids amused themselves at an old car graveyard out back of the station while the parents twiddled their thumbs. Too late to go to the car show, they were wondering how to tell the kids. On the way home, the kids were excited and thanked them over and over for the fun day at the car show. Moral of the story..... give kids an old car graveyard to play in any day, over shiny new cars.
What's next?I'm to nominate 5 people to pass this on to and they will do the same as above. (If they are so inclined.) There are sooooo many followers I would like to select but I'm choosing 5 who have been with me since "Tad Was a Pup." Here they are in no special order.
The New Sixty ............ by Arkansas Patti
Teresa Evangeline ........ by Teresa
My Journey With Candida ...........by Terry
The Feathered Nest .......... by Delores
This & That, Here & There, Now, Sometimes Then ....... by Su-sieee
Thank you for being my faithful followers throughout all my posts, no matter how dippy they were. Now it's your turn.