A-Z Challenge
My theme is Herbs
L is for Lobelia
In it's herbal form,
many say that
Lobelia doesn't
belong on the
home medicine
shelf, as all
parts of the
plant contain
Indians first
Lobelia to the
settlers. In fact
the Shakers packaged it for sale overseas.
Similar to Tobacco, it is sold over the counter to help
people stop smoking.
It is often known by other names, as "Red Lobelia,"
Cardinal Flower, Indian Tobacco, "Eyebright."
Lobelia is an effective emetic but I believe that is
when you just step over the line into pushing more
poison onto the body than it can tolerate. In one way
the older herbalist still believe that...... something
akin to homeopathy. But where homeopathy is
"like cures like," the lobelia cure is more like
"puke your brains out" and then take some more
Lobelia. I mostly follow the older herbalists but
on Lobelia, I'm not quite sure where I stand. I've
probably crossed the line many times in my
zeal for self-healing and I'm still ticking.
If you stay within the limit of good judgement,
here are other medical uses: treating lung
disorders, angina, asthma, cough suppressant,
a sedative as it lessens pain.
It's rather mysterious as an herb but I've
always been drawn to it.