
Thursday, September 23, 2010


Saturday morning the phone rang. It was my Granddaughter's weekend call.

"Do you want to go shopping today?"

I really didn't want to. I'd rather have a go at climbing Mt. Everest than go shopping but because Grandmother's never say no, I answered, "Sure."

Why have I become such a "I hate shopping freak?" Is it because I've seen it all? What can they do to hemlines? Raise them, lower them. Bell-bottoms or skinny leg pants? Just don't bring back corsets. Well that may have been a little before my time, but I got in on the girdles. What a pain in the butt they were and certainly there is a pun intended. My idea of shopping, now, is rummaging through my daughter's Goodwill bags. She buys expensive clothes and they fit. Shopping finished. (And they're free)

Unfortunately, our feet are not the same size so when Ashly asked me what I would shop for today, I said, "Boots."

Our first stop was at a store where college kids shop. I took out my camera and Ashly asked, "Are you blogging?" Oh Oh, busted. She's extremely photogenic but also very camera shy so I didn't want to push it, but I did manage to catch her reflection in a mirror.

"Do you have your pile ready to try on?"

"I don't have a pile. You go ahead to the changing room and I'll look at the boots and shoes."

I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think do.

Now here's a good hiking boot.

Shopping's hard work and burns the calories so we stopped at the Community Co-op (or Health Food Store) for lunch. Ashly gets to pick the stores for shopping but I choose where we eat. It's the only place that has organic food. We managed to hit a couple more stores after lunch.

I did find some boots in Costco. Two pair in fact. The white boots have a warm fuzzy lining and I also got a pair of rubber boots for mucking around in the slush. We ended up our shopping trip in a store called "The Barn." There I found the above puffy down-filled jacket. I already have a closet full of down jackets but what the heck, it's Montana and you can always use another jacket and I won't have to think about shopping for another year.
Adios Amigo


  1. Don't I just know how you feel about shopping. I hate all kinds of shopping, not just shoes and clothes. Even groceries annoy me.
    There is so little I want, so little I can wear here in my backwater, it is enough to make a grown woman cry.

    I have all the clothes I could ever want. Except for a new pair of Jeans, some sturdy walking shoes, an anorak or two, rubber boots and winter woollies.

    Ah well, best go to town and do some shopping.

  2. Good grief are you clever, if sneaky, catching your grand daughter in the reflection.
    Agree about shopping. I am still wearing 15 year old clothes that are currently back in style.
    However,I have to agree with you about never having enough jackets, especially down. I had closets full even when I lived in Florida. Thrilled to finally be able to wear them.

  3. I love your plaid boots! But, I hate shopping, too. I never find anything I want to spend money on. Fashion merchandising seems to be lost art.

    I do love the new photo. Look at that happy little face of the blonde girl in braids, on the right. What a perfect photo, as the young ones are back in school.

  4. Oh those kitten heel black and white boots are sweet!!! :-) As I have fat calves it's very very very difficult for me to find boots that fit so when I do I grab them and hang on tight and don't ever let go! LOL!!

    I do like your choices though - very nice!!

    And nice to see your granddaughter!

    Take care

  5. The boots you chose are definitely more my speed. Good choice! LOL. :-)

  6. OOh, I think you could have rocked the houndstooth stiletto boots!! The shoes are a little much though. Your granddaughter is beautiful and wonderful too. It's so great to see younger people want to spend time with those of us actually over 40. Hehehe.
    I'm following now from friday over forty by the way.

  7. I'm not one for Department store shopping, but I do enjoy an occasional trip to my favorite thrift stores. Someday, I hope to participate in shopping adventures with my granddaughters. I love that you have such a wonderful relationship with Ashly. Looks like you made some wise purchases.

  8. What a fun post! I love that you got to spend some great time with Ashly even if you had to shop to do it. I look forward to spending that kind of time with my granddaughter someday. Love your boot choices. Someday, I'm going to live someplace where boots like that are necessities!

    Have a great weekend,

  9. I'm so laughing because I hate shopping, too. You had fun, though, with your granddaughter. Have a great weekend.

  10. Friko,
    Hah....hope you came home with a bag of goodies. And as Patti said, if you hang onto your clothes long enough they're right back in style.

    Wonder why down is so special? Maybe because of the goose or duck. (Another duck!) I can't part with down jackets either. Years old but they never wear out.

    I'm very familiar with your winters, too. Even more consistently cold than Montana. I too love that photo. You're right, those little girls brighten the whole picture.

    Old Kitty,
    We need lots of muck'n clothes. But do I sometimes yearn for a tiera and an evening gown? Yup. Cody says hi to Charlie.

    Yes. I think you live in Montana too.

    The houndstooth could be do-able. Thanks for stopping by. I'll be by to see you too.

    You will shop with your granddaughters and it's fun. They're always trying to get you into clothes that make you feel silly and self conscious.

    Great idea. We could do a house change for a month and get moving out of our system. Ha. Wasn't there a movie like that?

    Shopping must become a universial bore as we age. Thanks, Carol.


  11. girl, you got some class!!! If you get tired of them, I'll send you my address :)

    I am your newest follower... hopping over from Java's Friday hop!

    Pls stop by and visit me... and uhm, take your boots off at the door cause, uhm.. yeah I want them :)

  12. Your plaid mucking-about boots are cute. If I had the legs (translate loonnnng), and the heels were sturdier, I wouldn't mind wearing that pair of boots with the black-and-white tweedish pattern....In general, clothes shopping is a pain. But add a bookshop to the agenda, and I am almost there. Very clever how you snuck that photo in of the grandbabe. :-)

  13. Found you on over 40, and I am now following. I love your blog and you made me crack up! I'm not much of a shopper either!

  14. Visiting from the Over 40 blog hop.
    Does anyone other than a cross-dresser really wear those gold boots??

  15. OMG you are so cute! I love your photos. Glad you found something adorable to buy in the end too!
