It's oil change time by the little sticker on the wind shield. That nasty time-waster job of leaving the car in line at the Quick Lube, sitting on dirty vinyl and chrome chairs in a waiting room that smells of motor oil and reading greasy "Mechanics Magazines."
I threw on a pair of jeans, a sweater and no make-up. I'd match the dreariness of the job. I just wanted to get it over with.
Good. Only one car ahead of me. I went inside and settled into the lumpy archaic chair with my kindle that I remembered to grab. Soon, I was absorbed in "High Heat" and oblivious of the surroundings.
I heard a man's voice from a couple of chairs down, ask, "Aren't you Manzanita?"
Oh crap, just my luck to run into someone I know when I leave the house without make-up. An 80 year old without a hint of make-up is not something you want to see outside of a nursing home. I looked up from my kindle into the handsome face of Leon, one of the best ballroom dancers in the area. Double Crap. No wonder he had to ask if it was me. Ballroom dancing calls for lots of make-up and a filmy swishy dress. That was how he'd always seen me.
We chatted and I got caught up on the ballroom news. I had dropped out of social dancing due to lack of a partner. Leon is not only a handsome older man, but a gentleman of the old school. We always danced when Sharon, his dance partner was out of town.
I know you're reading faster and with anticipation. Is this going to be the beginning of a twilight, passionate love affair for Manzi? Well, is it? Hate to disappoint you but no zinging Cupid's arrows.
Oh, but he did say, "Sharon's leaving for Arizona for the winter. How about being my dance partner?"
My car was ready. I said, "Sure, give me a call."
Yay for waiting rooms in car oil change places!
take care
Wait a sec, are you 80? No way. Your voice is young, your picture is young, surely you jest? You meant 40, right? Also, I read your previous post about alcoholism and all the comments. Don't know why, it's not an issue I or anyone I know (well except maybe one son-in-law) deal with, but addiction of any kind is a compelling subject. I say as I sit here with my diet Coke I can't get along without any hour of the day or night. Wish i were a health nut like yourself. No, really, you're not 80 are you?
ReplyDeleteI'm with you in respect of not being interested in tinkering with the car. I just want to get in and drive it. Having said that, I will do oil top ups but that's my limit. I could smell the motor oil reading this post. You painted such a good picture of that waiting room.
ReplyDeleteYou will dance with Leon won't you, even if it is only for the winter months?
Please will you post a photo of yourself in a swishy dress?
Hot dang, she will be gone the whole winter and now he has seen you without enhancements? That has to be freeing.
ReplyDeleteSometimes you just can't feel those arrows at first.
Keep us posted.
You described those waiting rooms perfectly. I could smell the motor oil.
ReplyDeleteAnd the dance of life continues... :)
Old Kitty,
ReplyDeleteYou and Charlie are so funny. You always put a smile on my face. Thanks.
Yes Karen, I'm 80. I'd like to admit to the 40 number you suggest but unfortunately my driver's lic would be a lie. It's also true that I've always been a health food addict. I do think the food helps keep my wits about me. Thanks for the nice compliment.
I'm learning new words from you English gals. "Oil top ups" I like that. See, Christine, you are a romantic. I recall your post of you sitting between hubby and old beau. I'll keep you posted. Ha
What a great idea ..... without enhancements. In the beginning we should strip our face of war paint and if they stay, they stay or if they run, no time wasted! I'd really love to dance socially with a good dancer again. There's even a couple of new dance dresses crying in the closet.
Thanks for commenting, everybody. Manzanita
You never know what's going to happen. At the very least you'll be dancing all winter.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, if I were you I'd not be looking for a chap anyway. In later years all they want is a nurse.
Manzi, I have no doubt that you look fabulous without make-up. Sounds like a winter of dancing fun. Hurrah!
ReplyDeleteNow that you've scored yourself a dance partner, bet you're wishing you would have purchased some of those stiletto heels when you were out shopping with Ashly rather than those sensible winter boots. : )~
ReplyDeletesoooo, I want to know more. Is he single,,,,could something MORE then a dance partner evolve. I love a good romance (tee,hee)
ReplyDeleteor, just to be dancing would be glorious eh
and your description of the car place was excellent, I felt like I was right there with ya
not to mention the drilling noises from the back eh
That sounds like a lucky oil change!
ReplyDeleteHello, by the way. I've just stopped by and become your 95th follower (that's a nice round number isn't it?!)
How do you know it wasn't a slow flying arrow?
ReplyDeleteThe Husband and I took ballroom dancing lessons years ago. I really, really enjoyed it... when I was dancing with someone else. (The Husband can't hear the beat in the music and I had to lead!)
ReplyDeleteAlas... no more fun times on the dancefloor.
You go get 'em, Girl!
ReplyDeleteYou're so right. No chaps for me, just a dance partner now and then. A nurse, I ain't!
No, I even scare witches without make-up.
Those 4 in heels were a little hot, come to think about it. Ha
Ooohh, I forgot about the pounding and drilling noises. Annoying noises.
Thanks for stopping. I'll come by your blog shortly.
A slow flying arrow. That's a nice romantic thought if I were eons years younger. I'm afraid Sean Connery wouldn't even turn my head anymore!
Bid D,
Too bad your dancing days ended. Dancing is fun and such a marvelous social event. Dancing has been my sole passion all my life. Good male leaders are scarcer than hens teeth. Too bad the system wasn't set up for the lady to lead. It seemed to work for you.
Thank you everyone for your fun and interesting comments.